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What the Hell is Game-Based Learning?

There’s a lot of information out there on game-based learning.

Some of it's good.

Some of it's confusing.

Some of it is BS.

Today I want to clear things up. Starting with the big question: what the hell is it?

To be more specific, game-based learning morphs corporate training content into fun, engaging experiences for employees. The goal is to not only make training fun, but to make it more effective, using tactics that promote retention and engagement.

If you’re still going, huh? Then think about it like this:

Picture a game you’ve played on your phone recently.

Something like Clash of Clans.

Then imagine that instead of defending against an invasion, you were actually learning about things like proper cybersecurity policies — while playing the game.

That’s game-based learning.

What ISN’T Game-Based Learning?

Let’s briefly decode some industry buzzwords and how they differ from game-based learning.


Gamification takes game tactics (most commonly points, badges, and leaderboards) and slaps them onto existing content in the hope of making the content more engaging. The motivation is extrinsic; rewards are what keeps employees playing, not the content itself.

I’m not a big fan of gamification. Slapping some lipstick on your existing content might improve engagement, but does it drives learning? I’m not so sure.

Game-based learning on the other hand uses intrinsic motivation to keep employees engaged. Instead of aiming for a badge, employees are motivated by challenging content and the desire to improve. This keeps employees engaged with the content itself, which improves learning.


Learn-then-play programs typically get lumped into the gamification catch-all umbrella, but they’re actually a bit different.

Instead of earning a badge for completing a training course, learn-then-play programs “reward” employees with a chance to play a non-educational game. The motivation to keep learning is higher because the reward is more valuable (assuming the game is fun). However like gamification, learn-then-play programs don’t tackle engagement with the learning content itself.

In game-based learning on the other hand, the game is the training; educational content is turned into a game so people learn as they play. This ensures employees are engaged with the content — instead of skimming through it so they can get to the game.

Serious Games

Kind of a catch-all term, serious games basically refers to any game whose primary purpose is not entertainment.

So while all game-based learning IS essentially a serious game, not all serious games are game-based learning. Educational games at schools for example would be considered serious games, but not game-based learning (since they aren’t a part of a corporate training program).

Why Use Game-Based Learning?

Basically, because it works.

If you look at some of the best tactics for studying and learning (like practice testing and distributed practice) you’ll find they’re also core parts of game-based learning.

Content is spaced out, making it easier to retain. And employees have to practice recalling it multiple times, in a variety of different ways, which reinforces learning.

Plus since its fun, employees are more likely to participate. Which is always a bonus when you're running a non-mandatory program.

Check out the video below on the top 3 benefits of game-based learning for more details, or watch it here.

Additional Reading

It sounds pretty simple (I hope) but actually designing a game-based learning program is fairly complex. That’s why we put together this go-to guide on game-based learning.

Still have questions? Hit us up on Twitter.

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